2021 靈修會
營會中週五、週六兩天的下午自由時間,場地有提供一些付費活動可供選擇。因為每項活動必須有15人報名方可成行,可以多選,到時候只有成行才需要付費。 每項活動時間兩小時,每人每項活動收費$17.50。想要參加任何活動的家庭請在週五(2021-03-26)前,使用下方連結填妥表格回應以便作業。 https://forms.gle/MTYGP5kBaE6pkA1v8 (每位參加付費活動的成員另需要填妥一份 AcknowledgementtoRickForm, https://www.thetops.com.au/files/resources/AcknowledgementofRiskForm.pdf)
*場地有給孩童吃飯使用的 High Chair (為數不多,能自備為佳), 但是無法提供睡覺的 Travel Cot, 家長需要自行攜帶。
場地地址:51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508
4月1日: 週四,6pm後可以入住,當天場地僅提供宵夜,須自理晚餐後前往場地。
4月2日: 週五,早餐後9點 ~ 10點 開始正式報到。
計畫週四入住的弟兄姊妹可以參考在 Heathcote 南下路途中離場地最近的麥當勞(約15~20分鐘車程)用餐,補給後,前往場地
由於Covid-19的限制,The Tops 原則上僅提供床墊. 不提供枕頭、毛巾、床單、棉被。
所以請自行攜帶盥洗用品如牙刷, 肥皂, 吹風機, 毛巾, 床單, 枕頭和睡袋(或床單)。
因房型與床位配置的不同, 建議要鋪床單者帶雙人床單+睡袋使用
若有需要枕頭床單棉被, 每張床(不分單雙)需加收特別清洗費$50,需要的弟兄姊妹請聯絡0413752542 / [email protected].
營地將供餐一日六次 (早餐、上午茶點、午餐、下午茶點、晚餐、宵夜) 。
The Tops 將根據建議滿足有特殊飲食需求的會員。 這些成員每次進餐時必須從特殊飲食區領取特別預備的餐點。
Camp site & Accommodation Details
Camp address: 51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508
1/4/21 – Thursday
Entry start from 6pm, there will only be light supper for the night, no dinner provided.
Breakfast is provided from Friday onwards, we encourage all to come on Thursday night.
Please contact 傅慧 (Bluthy) for room # and key code.
2/4/21 – Friday
Official registration starts after breakfast between 9am to 10am
For those of you coming on Thursday night, you may consider to stop by the closest McDonald at Heathcote (15 to 20min away from camp site); for dinner.
Members will be roomed in dormitory style accommodation in rooms of either 2~6 berth.
Members MUST provide your own linen, pillow and sleeping bag/sleeping sheet for their bed and towels. We would advise bringing a double sheet + sleeping bag for each person.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, The Tops provide bed frame and matress only. NOT provide quilt, pillows, towels or linen. Please bring your own toiletry, pillows, towels etc
If you need quilt, pillows, or linen sheet, the Tops can provide with additional cleaning fee $50 for each double or single bed. For detail please contact with Kevin 0413752542 / [email protected] .
Meals / Food
All meals during the camp will be provided to members from supper on Thursday 1 April 2021 until Lunch on Monday afternoon 5 April 2021.
Members are required to attend all meals in the dining room.
The Tops will cater for members with special dietary needs as advised. These members MUST collect their meals each meal time from the special diet area.
*場地有給孩童吃飯使用的 High Chair (為數不多,能自備為佳), 但是無法提供睡覺的 Travel Cot, 家長需要自行攜帶。
場地地址:51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508
4月1日: 週四,6pm後可以入住,當天場地僅提供宵夜,須自理晚餐後前往場地。
4月2日: 週五,早餐後9點 ~ 10點 開始正式報到。
計畫週四入住的弟兄姊妹可以參考在 Heathcote 南下路途中離場地最近的麥當勞(約15~20分鐘車程)用餐,補給後,前往場地
由於Covid-19的限制,The Tops 原則上僅提供床墊. 不提供枕頭、毛巾、床單、棉被。
所以請自行攜帶盥洗用品如牙刷, 肥皂, 吹風機, 毛巾, 床單, 枕頭和睡袋(或床單)。
因房型與床位配置的不同, 建議要鋪床單者帶雙人床單+睡袋使用
若有需要枕頭床單棉被, 每張床(不分單雙)需加收特別清洗費$50,需要的弟兄姊妹請聯絡0413752542 / [email protected].
營地將供餐一日六次 (早餐、上午茶點、午餐、下午茶點、晚餐、宵夜) 。
The Tops 將根據建議滿足有特殊飲食需求的會員。 這些成員每次進餐時必須從特殊飲食區領取特別預備的餐點。
Camp site & Accommodation Details
Camp address: 51 Bendena Gardens, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508
1/4/21 – Thursday
Entry start from 6pm, there will only be light supper for the night, no dinner provided.
Breakfast is provided from Friday onwards, we encourage all to come on Thursday night.
Please contact 傅慧 (Bluthy) for room # and key code.
2/4/21 – Friday
Official registration starts after breakfast between 9am to 10am
For those of you coming on Thursday night, you may consider to stop by the closest McDonald at Heathcote (15 to 20min away from camp site); for dinner.
Members will be roomed in dormitory style accommodation in rooms of either 2~6 berth.
Members MUST provide your own linen, pillow and sleeping bag/sleeping sheet for their bed and towels. We would advise bringing a double sheet + sleeping bag for each person.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, The Tops provide bed frame and matress only. NOT provide quilt, pillows, towels or linen. Please bring your own toiletry, pillows, towels etc
If you need quilt, pillows, or linen sheet, the Tops can provide with additional cleaning fee $50 for each double or single bed. For detail please contact with Kevin 0413752542 / [email protected] .
Meals / Food
All meals during the camp will be provided to members from supper on Thursday 1 April 2021 until Lunch on Monday afternoon 5 April 2021.
Members are required to attend all meals in the dining room.
The Tops will cater for members with special dietary needs as advised. These members MUST collect their meals each meal time from the special diet area.